Big News: We Just Released a Documentary!

It follows 14 people as they build an online course, so you can see what’s possible

Partner With Us

Partnership Opportunities with Mirasee

Thanks for your interest in becoming a Mirasee affiliate. We enjoy developing new partnership relationships to promote our courses: Audience Business Masterclass and the Course Builder’s Laboratory.

Our affiliate program is by invitation or application only, and we work closely with our partners to craft promotion strategies that are resoundingly successful and mutually beneficial.

Requirements for Mirasee Partners

We’re looking for partners who care about their audience first and know that what we have to offer will be of value to their followers. It also helps if your products and services are a good fit for our audience. Please be aware, though, that partnership does not imply reciprocation.

How to Become a Mirasee Partner

  1. In the form below, tell us a bit about you and your business.
  2. Tell us which Mirasee product(s) you’d like to promote.

We’ll review your application and get back with you soon.

<h3 class=”text-center text-primary”>PARTNER APPLICATION FORM</h3>